Creating a separate section for working papers on your website

I spent quite some time figuring out how to present publications and working papers independently in separate sections. Most importantly, I’d like working papers to be displayed in the same format as a publication. See examples on my website.

However, it turned out not easy. I first created a file in the home folder and set the page_type = "publication". Simoutaounsly, I created a new folder named workingpaper to store the working papers. After deployment, the website ended up displaying publications in the publication folder instead of the working papers in the newly created working paper folder.

I further explored by changing the page_type = "workingpaper". This time the working papers were displayed on the website. The problem was that they displayed as a post NOT in a publication format.

I thus posted this question in the discussion section of the wowchemy. See the original post. The problem was solved perfectly.


  • Create a new file in ./content/home/ folder (you can simply copy the file and rename it). In the file, set page_type = "publication" and also set content.filter.publication_type = "3" (This is important!!).

  • Go to ./content/home/ and set content.filter.publication_type = "2".

  • Import pulications and working papers in the ./content/publication/ folder (following this post to import). Simply set the publication_types: ["2"] or publication_types: ["3"] in the associated file for that publication/working paper.

  • Deploy the website. We are all set!

Yabin Da
Yabin Da
Assistant Professor

Research interests include Environmental Economics (Climate Change), Applied Econometrics, and Causal Inference.